
Who Qualifies for Membership.

All persons of good character who are employees and pensioners of the Petroleum Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited, its predecessor companies, successors, subsidiaries, and associated companies.

  • Permanent and contract employees and pensioners of the Society.
  • The spouses, children, siblings, and parents of members of the Society. However, no member who is under the age of fourteen (14) shall be competent to execute any instrument or acquittance himself but may do so by his parent or guardian.
  • Other registered Co-operative Societies in Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Notwithstanding Bye-Law 4 (c), persons who were granted membership in the Society and no longer qualify for membership in accordance with Bye-Law 4 (a) may continue to be members at the discretion of the Board. vi. Live and or work within a five (5) mile radius of the registered Head Office.


